Covid Information
Advice for Patients attending for an appointment
Parkhouse Dental Centre, 86 Alexandra Road Farnborough Hampshire GU14 6DD
Tel: 01252-545313
When you call to make an appointment, you will be asked some screening questions.
You will be asked those same questions again at your appointment.
Pre-appointment paperwork such as medical histories and forms will be completed over the phone.
Please only attend with booked appointments.
Whenever possible, patients should attend on their own. Children under 16 and persons in need can be accompanied to the practice but escorts/patients/guardians/translators must remain in the reception area during the patient’s treatment.
Patients should come wearing a face covering or be prepared to wear one (unless you have an age, health or disability reason for not wearing a face covering).
The toilets will be out of use in line with Infection control policy.
Please bring your own pen.
On Arrival at the Practice
Please do not arrive early to the practice. If necessary, you should wait in your car or outside in the carpark at the front of the practice.
All patients should contact reception on arrival and wait to be invited into the Practice.
The receptionist will call you when the dentist is ready to see you.
You will be asked about the presence of fever or other symptoms consistent with COVID-19.
Any patient with signs or symptoms of COVID-19 will be advised to return home immediately and contact NHS 111.
If urgent or emergency dental treatment is indicated in a patient with suspected COVID-19, a referral will be made to the Urgent Care System.
Please do not bring any unnecessary bags, briefcases, rucksacks, shopping etc with you.
If you use an inhaler, do bring it in with you.
If you require any special assistance please inform the Receptionist when booking your appointment. This will help us make your visit more comfortable and accessible for you.
On arrival a member of the team will open the door and greet you to come in.
Patients should come wearing a face covering or be prepared to wear one (unless you have an age, health or disability reason for not wearing a face covering).
You will notice that the dental team will be wearing different protective equipment to what you are used to seeing.
Your temperature will be checked with a non-touch thermometer.
You will be asked to use hand sanitiser.
Please respect social distancing of 2 metres (6ft) when in the Reception area.
To the treatment room
Practice staff will chaperone you to the surgery.
Please do not touch anything as you enter the surgery.
After treatment
You will be asked to use hand sanitiser.
Practice staff will chaperone you to the Reception Desk to make payment. The Reception desk is protected with a Perspex screen.
If cash is being handled payment could be made in a sealed bag.
You will leave through the Front door.
Please call the practice to report any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 within the next 14 days after your dental appointment.
Other Information
If you show symptoms of COVID-19 before you attend for your booked appointment, please contact the Practice by phone to inform a member of the team.
Staff will not shake your hand
We will endeavour to see on time, and where this not possible and the clinician is running late, you will be phoned and invited to come back later.
We will be providing a limited range of treatment.
All the information provided will be kept in confidence.